Do you wish your motherhood could look differently in just a few weeks?

Reset: Anchoring Your Motherhood in Gospel Truths

"I have struggled to keep myself in the Word and can become easily forgetful about what God has done for me and for my children. This course has helped me make shifts in my motherhood in how I see my kids, the pressure I place on myself to do it well, and how to pray for my kids."

Kimberly E.

“walking together with friends through this made so much difference!”

T. Mimms

“Three of us worked through this course together, learning and growing in community. It changes your idea about your motherhood and gives you a solid foundation.”

Rachael Stone

"One of the best things I could have done for myself! I've learned so much in this course."

a. hernandez

After polling thousands of women, these are the biggest concerns:

Do you ever feel alone in your motherhood? more than half of the mothers polled feel like they don't have someone they can turn to for matters of faith and parenting

Do you believe you don't or won't have the right biblical answers for a parenting moment? Do you fear messing up or getting it wrong?

Do you see the list of all the ways you've lost your cool, yelled, overreacted, or said something you regret and wonder if you'll ever get this right?

 Do you long for an older mom friend who walks with you in a strategic design to strengthen and equip your motherhood?

What about you? Which ones mess with your head?

Start your journey


Did you know most women hear the same lies about their motherhood?

you're messing this up…

you'll never get it right…

if anyone ever knew…

you will always… 

you will never…

your child will never change…

another mother would do this better…

good mothers never get angry…

you better be perfect as a mom…


These lies will only make you feel angry, despairing, or apathetic. Let's learn what God says instead.

see the lies, stop the spiral, and stand in God's promises with confidence!

After this,

stand in the gospel

Become confident in who you are because of what Jesus has done.

fight the lies

Replace the lies you hear and believe with the truth He declares in scripture.

learn the word

Through scripture study methods, anchor in His joy, peace, & mercy.

Choose today to make the changes that will allow you to walk confidently and in restful rhythms!

Leave behind the doubt, overwhelm, and comparison and walk confidently with Jesus.

 God doesn't call you to parent perfectly; He calls you to parent with Him. Come learn how! 

6 weeks of Self-paced video instruction


Identifying God's story of your life


Understanding how Jesus views us 


The place where mercy meets our mistakes


His peace that pursues


His joy uproots my despair


Walking this out together

Just $47 — For a few minutes each day, you can change the way you walk in motherhood

Bethany Kimsey

Throughout my motherhood, I've struggled to keep my mind anchored to God's truth. Often over the years I've believed I'm messing so much of it up, but I can confidently say that God has shown me how He views my motherhood. And that has made all the difference in battling the doubts and fears.

My desire to help other women understand what God says in His Word. Connecting the gospel to our lives helps us battle our doubts and parent confidently with His wisdom.

Get unstuck and find hope and joy in your motherhood. 

We want you walking through these truths with your friends!  grab some other mamas, and walk together as you learn these important truths for your heart and mind.